
Showing posts from July, 2018

Electromagnetic field

Electromagnetic field is a physical field that caused by interaction of electrically charged object. It is one of the four fundamental force in nature that can indefinitely expanse  in space. The other fundamental interaction in nature other than electromagnetic field is strong interaction, weak interaction and  gravitation . Electromagnetic field is the combination of electric field and magnetic field. Electric field is produces through stationary charge and magnetic field is produces by moving charges. Maxwell equation and Lorentz Force law explains how electric field and magnetic field interact to produces electromagnetic field. Though, according to quantum field theory, field is seen as a quantized, electromagnetic field is continuous and propagate in smooth manner. Read more in bellow link Electromagnetic force Electromagnetic radiation Electromagnetic field

Gravitational lens

Gravitational lens Gravitational lensing can be define as a phenomenon that is exactly  a distribution of matter between distant light and observer. Gravitational lens can bend light coming from light source to the observer. The effect of  gravitation is known as gravitational lensing. With the effect of gravitational lensing, what amount of the light will be bend is predicted by the  general theory of relativity

Color confinement

Color confinement is a phenomenon that implies that color charged particles can not be isolated and can not be directly observed. Just for example, quarks can not be directly observed and directly isolated, rather it can found as hardon. The main two types of hardon is baryon and meson. Color confinement is also called quantum chromodynamics.

Electromagnetic force

Electromagnetic force is one of the fundamental interaction of universe. Electromagnetism is a branch of physics to discuss about electromagnetic force. Electromagnetic force is exerted due to two electrically charged particle interaction.

Strong Force

Strong force is one of the fundamental interaction out of four fundamental interaction in universe. These four fundamental interaction in universe is strong force, weak force, gravitational force, electromagnetic force. Strong force is found in quarks. Quarks is a constituent of subatomic particles, such as proton and neutron. Strong force binds proton and neutron all togather.

Cosmic Microwave

Cosmic Microwave Cosmic Microwave Background is a electromagnetic radiation during the stage of Big Bang, the initial expansion of universe. Cosmic Microwave Background is also known as the relic radiation or cosmic microwave background radiation.

Hawking Radiation

Hawking Radiation is the radiate light from the event horizon of black hole. Stephen Hawking says that black hole is not quite black, rather it radiate energy from the event horizon, which is the boundary of black hole.

Gravitational force

Gravitation Is one of the fundamental force in universe out of four fundamental interaction. These four fundamental interaction in universe is , strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravitational force. In universe each and every objects have an interaction among themselves. For these interaction the entire universe is till now exists. Sir Isac Newton at first introduces Gravitational force and identified the interaction between the objects.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Big Bang nucleosynthesis is a process of forming matter nucleus during Big Bang . It was thought that before  Big Bang there was a hot and dense state in universe. Basically, it was a state of energy with no existence of matter. After three minute of  Big Bang first nucleus of universe is formed. During  Big Bang sudden and rapid cooling of hot and dense state of energy formed first nucleus of universe. The entire process of forming nucleus is called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.

Event Horizon

Event Horizon is a boundary of black hole. Black Hole is a region in universe from where nothing can escape, even light and energy. Matter, light and energy everything is engulfed by Black hole. The boundary of black hole is termed as event horizon. The exact definition of event horizon is the region surrounding black hole where the impact of black hole is exists. How the event horizon is? The latest news about the event horizon is that event horizon is not quite black, rather it radiate light. This is called Hawking Radiation.

Theory of everything

Theory of everything is a predictive theory to explain all of the physics phenomena from a unique platform.

The main feature of Special theory of relativity

The special theory of relativity focus on the speed of object and its other elementary properties relationship. For example, let mass is the elementary property of objects. The higher the speed of objects will reduces the mass of the objects. The weight of any objects in rest will not the same mass of the objects with motion.

General theory and Gravity relation

The main drawback of special theory of relativity is that gravity is not incorporated into special theory of relativity. After, ten years of discovering special theory of relativity, Einstein discovered General theory of relativity where gravity is incorporated.